Osplay 1.0.3

I just posted Osplay 1.0.3. In addition to the corrections mentioned in the previous post, it is enhanced by pausing playback when headphones are unplugged (which can be disabled in preferences) supporting media button controls (such as those found on Bluetooth headphones). You can configure the media buttons in any way you like, so, for example, if your headphones have only next track and previous track buttons, you can change them to be rewind/fast-forward. I wasn’t able to find a way to cause the buttons to do something different when held down the way that the main Activity allows you to hold fast-forward and rewind, which was a bit disappointing.

This corrects a bug with Android licensing, which I hope is sufficiently liberal that it does not interfere with anyone who gets Osplay from the Android Market. If they do, e-mail me from the app and I will relax them further.

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